The beauty is a practical and useful accessory that is a must in every woman’s purse. But it would be good to have with you only what you need, not to turn the bag into a real case, or in a perfumery department. What to bring beauty from the beach? Here we go beauty and the beach.

Put in your beauty beach sunscreens. Even if you are already tanned, must never be forgotten in a drawer at home. You will need a special cream for the face, with a protection UV not less than 30, an oil or a body milk and an after-sun soothing and refreshing. If you have lips, brittle and prone to drying out, take with you a specific cocoa butter. The sunscreen should be applied on the skin completely clean: put in the clutch cleanser , toner and wipes for cleansing the face and neck, preferably with a light texture.


On the beach there is generally not much make-up, but a thread of make light up the face. You will need an illuminating cream with UVA, a little ‘ blush in shades of terracotta and a pencil combined with a waterproof mascara that will withstand even the bathrooms longer. For minor adjustments, get a mirror and cotton buds, which will serve to raise the eventual smudging of pencil and mascara.

In your beauty, can not miss everything you need to care for hair and body. Choose a combination of shampoo and conditioner specially designed to protect the hair from the ravages of salt and a form of reparation. In the market, there are oil-based sprays that help to make the hair less dry . Interrogate a sufficient amount each time, especially if you expose yourself to the sun for a long time. Untangle the hair with a wide tooth wooden comb, which will ruin them, especially when they are wet. To take a shower at the end of the day, brought to the beach a highly moisturizing shower gel and a sponge with which to remove the salt from the skin.

Sometimes, it might happen that the action of the sun causes some discomfort. To remedy any case, put in a beauty eye drops made ​​from chamomile to disinfectant bloodshot eyes, an ointment for burns and stings of insects or jellyfish and patches, in the case of minor injuries and accidental cuts.