The nails fake or rebuilt are very durable and also beautiful to see. The difference from the true is not known, and, nowadays, the market offers a great variety of products in different materials. It can in fact be found in acrylic and also in gel, which have a very natural appearance . Although fake and strong, you really take care of the reconstruction in the best way, to preserve them for a long time in good condition.

The reconstruction of the nails, if done well, you do not notice at all. The type most often used is constituted by those in acrylic. How to take care of? In principle, just treat them as natural ones. Some more attention is the use of water reserve it well. Keeping your hands immersed in water for a long time, this could infiltrate the natural nail and the synthesized creates some problems of detachment or, even worse, infection . Here, then, that the use of rubber gloves for washing dishes or doing work of any kind that require prolonged use of water becomes providential.


The very important thing, not to be underestimated, is to contact only to qualified personnel for their application. Although it is not a work of great difficulty, it is important to respect some rules of health and hygiene in order to avoid infection. About once or twice a month, then, we must go back in the beauty center because it will be necessary to fill the space that will be created between real and fake fingernail due to the regrowth of the latter

For the rest, just proceed as you normally would for nails true So treat them regularly removing the cuticles, the old nail polish by using a specific solvent for silicone and subsequently passing a couple of coats of the color you prefer. Equally important is to contact specialist staff to buy the kits guaranteed Conditions to Avoid the use of very cheap ones bought in stores that do not provide any certification in accordance with Community legislation may seem almost strange to some, but the nails are a the real and alive in our body Cover them with synthetic materials of dubious origin is not good for their health and even to the general Before deciding to apply them is to keep in mind that this will always be a weakening of the real ones due to the lack instead of light that strengthens If you decide to remove them short enough to keep them for as long as is necessary in recovering strength and vigor.