When we went to a casting model, do not be mistaken. You only have one chance to prove you have potential, then it is better to put all the chances on your side! Therefore Become Artist gives you 4 keys on how to dress for a casting model.

1. Prefer tight clothing: During a casting model, you will be judged almost solely on your physique. So you must dress to highlight your strengths without hiding your body. In addition, you should avoid wasting time to casters who have dozens of girls to see that day. Ideally wear leggings and a tank top with a tunic top, you can quickly remove and do not forget to put on heels.

2. Simply Dress: give you a basis virgin casting director who can more easily imagine yourself in any type of clothing. This is why it is advisable to dress in the most basic kind. Remember prints and clothing complicated. Cotton, solid color, basic, and you will be perfect.

3. Choose clothing in which you feel good: If this is not the case, it is likely that the recruiter notes that you feel uncomfortable. This may affect the opinion that it will make you and serve you well. Indeed, how could he know that you look uncomfortable just because of your clothes and not because you lack confidence in yourself?


4. Choose clothing that you highlight: course you must be comfortable in your clothes, but they’ll also highlight! To attract the attention of a casting director, no effort is vain. Must cut your clothing highlights your strengths (waist, beautiful breasts), but also the color you advantage.

An example: if you have light skin and dark eyes and hair, opt for blue, red or black that will enhance your skin tone. However, leave out the pastel and white. You will understand, you will get one chance, so you better grab it! You now have all the cards to know how to dress for a casting model. Make good use!