When you are attached to their watch, even just a little scratch on the dial can be a little regret. In some cases, you can run for cover, through the little tricks, little abrasive pastes and readily available that allow you to clean and polish the glass as the metal ending with the cushion, and sometimes eliminate, the scratches that ruin the most precious watches. A watch looks dirty scratched and dull, ultimately old, do not put it to avoid the more you can think of to put into it without necessarily consult a professional. Given that you have to pay attention and act prudently to prevent the remedy would be worse than the disease, let us see how.


First, it is good to keep in mind that the glass of a quadrant is not always a proper glass. Can be plastic, Plexiglas, and in this case it is advisable a toothpaste for glass of a very low angle to see what results are obtained and not find unpleasant surprises. For watches there are also pastas specification for the cleaning or some slightly abrasive paste that are used to cut minimum scratches from the body of the car as the Polish: these are particularly effective and have the advantage of leaving on the surface a thin protective layer, which can safeguard the future face of the watch from minor accidents. If these products are delicate on the clock, you must be careful to wash their hands as soon as you’re done with them, and do not rub your eyes, because it is highly irritating substances.

The paste is applied with a cotton swab making minimum circular movements on the face for at least five minutes, taking care to check from time to time if the surface reacts well. Normally a quadrant should not be treated more than five times with toothpaste and cleaning against scratches, and in the event of any deep scratches will not be able to wipe out a clean cut, but only to limit its effects. Among the methods used to remove Scratch- dial watches, in addition to the classic Polish tube that breathes new light clock and reduces the effect of scratches without damaging the surface, is the cigarette ash. The operating principle is simple and easy: with a cotton swab or an old t-shirt you rub the scratched and then wipe with a clean, dry cloth.

The system of sandpaper is only for the more experienced, because it threatens to ruin irremediably the clock and the results are not always satisfactory. Who wants to try will have to choose a small grain sandpaper, wetting it in the water and keeping it moist throughout the operation. The movements on the dial should be light and not too fast, for avoid warming the surface and damage that you intend to fix instead. Among the DIY remedies to whip up at home, you can groped with the toothpaste and avoid gel: Simply clean and dry the face, put on the toothpaste removing scratches burrs excess and let it dry, then proceeds by wiping with a chamois cloth wrapped around his finger until no toothpaste. For deeper scratches will need to repeat the operation, but many opacity caused by small cuts will disappear.