The Christmas 2012 DIY nails are really cool and, in many cases, also easy to make, but which to choose? The nail art glam and more sympathetic of the season will feature the typical characters of Christmas, such as reindeer, snowmen and the inevitable Santa Claus, to give joy to look even more serious. In view of the holiday season can dare with doodles and small works of art that recall exactly the holiday season we are going to live. Why, for example, do not bring Santa Claus always with us, with some Christmas nail art, really really fun and you can also make by themselves, with a little ‘practice and precision?

How to make a Christmas nail art

Make a Christmas nail art is not always easy, but with a minimum of experience and some small measure where it is needed, also the decoration could become more complicated simple to implement. Obviously there are some designs more difficult to achieve and in these cases, our advice is to start with simpler designs, like little Christmas trees stylized, or better yet, you could draw the little jacket or hat of Santa Claus. That said, if you want to splurge a look a little more serious and less extravagant, but never flat, you could opt for a nail art green bright, with small glitter that will make magically sparkling your style, maybe you could apply the microscopic glitter that will make it luxury your look!


Christmas nails 2012, easy and fun ideas

The Christmas nails can be decorated in many different ways. For more imaginative, entertaining Shanta’s reindeer with a red nose formed by a crystal will be perfect. Obviously it is not easy to make drawings like this for themselves for Christmas though, there are lots of ideas you can try out at home. What do you say, for example, a French manicure in Christmas theme, made ​​using the glaze glitter red, green and white? On the market then there are also the sticker or patch, such as Sephira with the finest decorations, like beautiful snowflakes, you can simply apply the nail after your day a colored base. Even a small rhinestones can be the detail that makes the difference to your nails.