There are many types of trousers to choose from, among them there is one who makes it particularly versatile, these pants with the crotch. Thanks to its own type, you can combine this head with different elements and accessories, we see how to match pants with low crotch .

We assume that this is a model made ​​with many fabrics to read, then make it suitable for the spring-summer period. The t-shirt to match, should be decided in close correlation to the color of the pants themselves. If it is a single color could think of a neutral t-shirt or possibly the closest to the color of the pants, maybe a tone lighter or darker, but if the pants are made ​​with patterned fabric, in this case the t-shirt will have to inevitably recall one of the colors present in the tissue.


Now for the type of mesh to match. We should evaluate the outside temperature, it is still a bit too early to use the vests, then opt for a short sleeve cardigan perhaps in combination with a very light neutral color or who do not pistons with that of the T-shirt and pants, definitely the Neutral colors are best. If the summer is already present then the tank top is a must provided, however, that is not too flashy. We will now assess the predicament in which we should show off our pants. By day you can think of wearing sweaters or tank tops cotton simple cut without the presence of any type of embroidery. Whereas if we use them to bring us to the disco we could use clothes more elegant.

We finally arrived to accessories such as shoes and jewelry. As for the shoes, which is the same argument made ​​in the previous step, or if our goal is to make a simple walk , fancied office etc. Then you will be the right ones to match a low heel, thong sandals possibly both made ​​with natural materials such as leather may be. Let us be very careful not match colored shoes totally different from clothing could well be out of tune. For a night at the club instead of the speech is totally different, we abandon the simple line, for Indonesian other with high heels featured very elegant. Necklaces and earrings featured strange flashy but simple at the same time are a must to complete the frame.