Attend specific courses in the field it is important to acquire the skills necessary for them to perform this profession. Schools to become a fashion designer always receive many requests, and I’m very selective. But do not be discouraged. In fact, you have to load you with enthusiasm and good will to overcome the immediate difficulties typical of those who embark on this path. To choose the best school you have to keep in mind a number of factors. First, you should check if there is the possibility of during the training periods of internships at fashion houses and agencies.

Then if and how many hours are devoted to the practice, and finally, if it is provided at the end of the course, a final parade with the concrete results of the work carried out during the years of study. This is for many the first official entry into the environment, with the ability to get in touch with experts in the field. The profession of stylist is made of contacts and knowledge: the more frequent the environment, the better, as they are more possibilities to meet people who can then come in handy in the future. So in the period in which you are a student try to be present at meetings and parades, to bring your ideas to the right people, to observe and learn a lot many things as possible in this environment. As an alternative to school, you can offer for an internship during the summer in those companies or fashion houses looking for people to take a fixed term in the production of fabrics and materials.


Or you can look for some tailor or artisan at which to learn the secrets of the craft, accompaniment concretely in the production of clothing. Remember that it is not necessary to start the great, working at prestigious fashion companies! At first you have to have humility, but above all a great desire to learn! Another option is to attend some course to become ” modelers “in the jargon is called” fashion designers”. If you have the stuff it certainly will become, or you may be lucky enough to help someone important. Keep in mind that an aspiring fashion designer must always be informed on the latest trends in fashion, reading magazines and watching on TV programs more trend fashion. And always keep your eyes open, be curious and open to anything new. This profession is suitable for those who are just curious and very insightful.