The skin is the largest organ of our body and care is crucial . Owning a beautiful and healthy skin is a clear sign that our body is working properly (a good digestion , proper alternation between dream and waking, and a good circulation ). In this guide we will discuss 10 tips on how to keep it at its best.

The first move to follow regard to nutrition. Certain foods such as alcohol, vinegar, margarine, pork, salmon and mackerel, contain a high level of acidity and you should not overdo their consumption but balance it with dishes made ​​with spinach, broccoli, radishes and lemons (alkaline foods). In fact it is known that their use is the leading cause of unhealthy skin rashes, inflammation of the skin and other internal organs.

Avoid drinking carbonated drinks or alcoholic beverages. Instead ingesting plenty of water, about two liters a day, we will facilitate the expulsion of toxins, making the skin more elastic. This is one of the few effective methods to fight water retention.


Say no to smoking. Smoking in fact tends to make the skin much more opaque, causing premature wrinkles and yellow teeth. Elastic fibers are modified, revealing the face tired and off.

Beware of the sun. Ten minutes a day of sunlight do very well to our body. Excessive exposure without protection can cause many forms of cancer and aging early epidermis.

Make a lot of activity. Any physical activity in fact, performed in a moderate and regular, it guarantees elasticity to our joints, making skin a naturally toned and healthy.

Sleep at least 8 hours per night to make the skin more hydrated. According to recent studies, a lack of sleep causes a slow recovery with respect to a number of factors of environmental stress , greatly reducing the skin’s health.

Remove make-up well before going to bed. Go to bed without removing makeup on our face can cause a great loss of collagen and elastic (the main factors that keep your skin young and fresh).

Attention to stress, counter doing some relaxing breaks throughout the day. Tension and anxiety increase the production of cortisol that promotes the collapse of the skin . Mental and physical fatigue are causes of dark circles, tightness and dull.

Use warm water to wash, make smooth your skin. Excessive use of hot water may induce the appearance of enlarged pores, capillaries out, dry skin and redness.

Ushering in your diet fruits and vegetables, at least 4 servings per day. The vitamins and antioxidants contained in fruits prevent aging of the skin, making it more elastic, toned and bright.