As with all the muscles that make up our bodies, including those of the face is important to keep in training to preserve them toned and free of wrinkles. But not only do this type of exercise, it is also important to keep the facial tissues well oxygenated, so we would have the opportunity to give it a special light also maintaining a smooth, velvety skin. Let us see some tips on what are the best exercises facial exercises to be carried out.

We begin immediately with the interested parties to prepare. With the tip of the fingers, start to gently tap the entire surface of the neck, face and shoulders, so reactivate the circulation. Regarding the exercises true, will be appropriate to be carried out before a mirror in this way we would have the opportunity to control our moves monitored taking the action of the exercises. Another tip is to carry out the exercises immediately before performing a thorough cleaning of the face. The overall execution time varies from 5 to 10 minutes, while each sequence must be done 10 times.


The first exercise we’re going to explain, is indicated to prevent the double chin . Let’s sit down at the table, or desk in case we are in the office, we support the left arm horizontally on the table. We now gracious the right upright, we support next to his left arm. We close at hand and your right hand under the chin we position exerting a little pressure . We remain in this position for a few seconds. Neoclassicism, then repeat the exercise 5 times, neoclassicism again and change arm.

For the next year we would need a small towel , twist, pass it under the chin and keep tight the two extremities with both hands. We lean over your head, exerting a little pressure. Now open your mouth, trying to open up to the maximum jaw exert a greater pressure of the chin on towel. We now slide the towel on the neck always exerting a little pressure, just like a massage. We repeat the exercise for 10 times.

Here’s an exercise aimed at the care and beauty of your mouth. We position the indexes on the corners of the mouth, take a little pressure . At this point, try to smile, but beware, you’ll never open your mouth. In performing the exercise should feel the lips pull down the slight effort required. This means that we are performing the exercise correctly. A variant to this exercise would be to do real Boccaccio with the mouth, repeatedly by moving from right to left.

The last exercise we’re going to want to consider is specially designed for the well-being of our cheeks . Always positionable front of a mirror, inflate the cheeks with air. With your fingertips, we make a slight pressure on the cheeks but not let the air out. We loosen the grip, Amerigo cheeks and reposition the fingertips over them, repeat the exercise 10 times.