The tattoo has ancient origins. The word comes from the Polynesian “ta tau” which means “writing on the body. Tattoos have always existed. In 1992, the glacier the Iceman, the famous mummy was discovered prehistoric Iceman , which was found to be decorated with tattoos. He also found examples in female version for the famous Princess of Ukok, found in the area between Russia and Mongolia in 500 BC It can be considered an art form: the man wants to express his innermost being and emotions from always through the arts, and who use the tattoo, use your body as a canvas. In modern times, the sixties and seventies saw a strong comeback tattoo, in years of great change, revolution of morals, it symbolized a kind of rebellion, indicating membership of a group, a way of being and living. Since then many things have changed and the tattoo has become fashionable and trendy, well away from the original meaning of cultural expression.

In Italy began in the nineties in the wake of the American fashion of artists and celebrities, who flaunt tattoos as if they were jewels. I’m actually new tattoo techniques that have mass-distribution. Recent machines “American” have reduced the pain significantly and so it follows the more superficial in the choice and a greater spread. The classic tattoo is forever. You can not completely eliminate it: even if the new techniques of cosmetic surgery seem to allow it, in fact we know that blemishes or scars remain. So, choose to get a tattoo, it should be a considered decision. If you already think or wonder if one day you can delete it, it means that it is better to postpone or choose semi-permanent tattoos or solar.


If you are moved by deep cultural reasons, by belonging to a specific culture or ethnicity, your desire to stand out from the crowd with your own unique characteristics, or want to remember a very important and indelible moment of your life, you can choose a tattoo classic indelible. The methods are three. Since most painful, which is the old system ” Tahitian “, with the needles of bone that slip under the skin, passing to the Japanese method, with thin needles of metal that slip obliquely inserting the colored pigments; or you can choose the most widespread, rapid and almost painless system imported from America, which uses an electric machine that puts the needles into the skin quickly, by inserting one or more colors simultaneously. In this case you will have to make a careful choice of tattoo, design, and above all you will need to devote more attention to the choice of the tattoo artist, who must be a professional with proven reliability. Remember that a tattoo is forever.

If your motives are deep, but in your heart you feel a bit of indecision, you can opt for a semi-permanent tattoo . An ancient technique that uses the henna to color the skin: even the Egyptians made ​​great use of it and it is still widespread in Africa on the occasion of religious events or weddings. The henna tattoos can last up to a month. The duration varies according to the number of washes, and if the weather is cold and dry last longer than in warm and humid. The color fades with time until it disappears completely.

If your emotional drive is not so strong, if you are moved by reasons more fashionable or if you do not know what to do, he began to get an idea of using a tool on the Internet, a Virtual Tattoo, tattoo of a simulation in 3D, from check directly on your figure, simply uploading a picture. With a simple free registration on the official website, you can also save all your tattoos, print them out and take them with you if even a tattoo artist.

A further advantage is the ability to upload a tattoo created from you, to prove on your photo and see the effect as if it were real. The latest addition to dedicated summer, but certainly feasible even in the winter with solar showers, are the tattoos sun. The methods are two. Buy Tattoo stickers, apply them and go to sunbathe on the beach or in a beauty center. For tan completed, remove the adhesive and the lightest part leave out the chosen design. The second method is the one created by a designer extravagant Taiwan, Yu-Chiao Wang: T-shirts or cut fabric to art with designs of your choice, worn under the sun or under a solar shower, the tan, because affected by the rays, will be the Your tattoo.