For a store you have seen a pair of pants that you absolutely want to make your own. They are beige , a color that never sets and very versatile because it is suitable for a stylish evening that a day at the office or with friends. But how to match the rest of your wardrobe? Read the guide and you will find some useful tips to avoid hanger to hang your nice pair of pants .

The first thing to do is pay attention to color. Not all colors look good with beige. How to choose then? Or your eye is well trained and able to pull the colors, which will attract the envy of all your friends, since very few know how to do. Or, if you do not trust your eyes and your aesthetic sense, you can entrust to a more “scientific”, followed by many designers, make-up artists and all those working in the field of fashion and design: the circle of It ten . In this circle, the colors are combined well not to those who are close to them immediately (few exceptions), but diametrically opposed to those in the wheel.


As you can see from the circle It ten’s color shades of yellow are opposite colors such as blue and purple. The head you choose will therefore necessarily be of these two colors, not to mention the white and black match on everything. When choosing the garment to be worn, but you have to keep in mind that, as the beige in itself very delicate and light, you can not opt for blues too bright , why would you create a contrast too obvious. It is recommended that in fact a light shade of blue , delicate, but at the same time suitable, because color is not too turned on and the opposite colors, yellow in the circle of It ten.

Last, but not least important advice is to complete your attire with bag, shoes and accessories. Remember that bag and shoes must be of the same color that you have chosen for your shirt. As far as the accessory, instead, you can either combine them such as bags and shoes, or choose the same color of the pants and then the beige, also slightly darker. End the day, choosing a suitable make-up , including the color eyeshadow, possibly equal to the color of the jersey you have chosen. Good release!