No creams, no treatments cabinet, without medication. Nature gives us off so that we are more beautiful, simply by choosing what we eat well. Want to know what you can eat to see more cute? Some of these healthy foods! Then we’ll tell you what are the 5 foods that beautify and nourish the body naturally.


The apple peel contains Quentin, a powerful antioxidant that protects against skin cancer and prevent skin aging prematurely. So do not peel when eating. In addition, the apple helps you stay in shape : first, because it fills, thanks to which eating one of these fruits will take your hunger for several hours, and secondly, because it is a good source of fiber to help you bowel movements easier.


Walnuts and almonds are rich in omega 3, a powerful nutrient that keeps your skin really soft . In addition, nuts contain arginine, an amino acid that helps the body burn fat. And they are delicious!


These small and tempting fruits are an important source of vitamin C, one of the essential nutrients to keep skin beautiful. Enjoy them accompanied by cereal and yogurt in your breakfast and see how your skin looks healthy and smooth . Also, you can enjoy a few beauty tips with strawberries .



Leave behind the myth that chocolate is forbidden because it is fattening. If consumed in moderate amounts will bring great benefits. This product has properties antioxidants and inflammation that keep the skin young and safe from swelling. If you do not, you need to read in detail the benefits of chocolate for beauty .


The tea of all classes is a source of antioxidants, which inhibit the release of free radicals, causative agents of several diseases and aging. In particular, green tea is one of the largest contributors to cell renewal . Always remember that a healthy and integral combined with regular physical activity will make you look and feel good naturally. There is no better recipe for staying young and beautiful living to bring healthy lifestyle !