In this article we try to give concrete help, to all our loved ones and passionate readers and readers , to figure out how to hide the broad shoulders . Let’s start by saying that if a man, suits for broad shoulders, are a feature particularly appreciable and also much sought after, the same thing can not be said for the woman. In fact, being a part of the body, particularly in view, they are able to make a disproportionately female physical risking to make it slightly androgynous. But if you totally eliminate this annoying blemishes is impossible, the choice of a suitable clothing can greatly help to hide an imperfection like preventing it becomes, on certain occasions, a source of embarrassment or discomfort .

suits for broad shoulders

Since in the presence of this particular defect, must certainly, first of all avoid showing too much shoulder, perhaps using a clothing appropriate to allow to cover them, it is a good rule, try to remember that you must always opt for dresses with straps and leaders who do not leave never fully discover the area between the neck and breasts. Even the use of certain shirts and cardigans, which are characterized by loose sleeves, as well as that of clothing V-neck, particularly strong, is certainly a viable choice.

To dampen the effect that androgynous imperfection of this type is unfortunately unable to create, you need to put as much as possible emphasize the hips to balance again the set of physical features providing them with femininity. For this reason turns out to be a great decision to choose to wear pants and high-waisted belts can stop excessive linearity bust or clothes sciatica particularly suited to enhance the forms typically specific to women. Are to be avoided excessively baggy clothes that hide almost totally curves, tend only to produce the opposite effect.

Being essential to ensure that the attention of a hypothetical observer does not focus immediately on the shoulders, it is necessary to avoid wearing clothes with necklines too boxy or boat, leaders that have bright colors or patterns at the side of the high bust, mesh a round neck or turtleneck tight, but also accessories such as scarves and shawls, which usually tend to thicken and enlarge the area adjacent to the neck. Since it is preferable to omit even necklaces overly flashy, the element of “valuable” can be recovered through the use of earrings, also gorgeous and large. And so through these simple tips, we’ll be ready, to understand how and what to do, to be able to hide, in the best way, the particularity of the broad shoulders !