The fashion show is an event that lasts a maximum of 15 or 20 minutes; the lights, the models parade, the designer comes to collect the applause and then it all ends. A sudden and ephemeral thing , if you think that behind there is a meticulous work that lasts months. Even you in your small, you can make a fashion show, maybe for a chat with friends or to present your work . Here are some tips on how to organize a fashion show in every single detail .

Make a collection of clothes designed by you or search for local designers who can provide you with the leaders for the parade. It ‘important to decide in time where the parade will take place in order to book the room. Without an appropriate location can not take place the show and you cannot set up an event of this type anywhere. Think of a place that is large enough to accommodate both the guests that the insiders work and of course the equipment and materials you’ll need. Also check that there are bathrooms available and emergency exits.

fashion show

Prepare a plan for organizing space in an orderly manner, decide where guests will sit, what will be the position of the bar (if you choose to include it), where will you put the finger food buffet or how you manage the service of sofas. Show in detail the division of space will help you to use it well; do not forget to think about the place where you set up the walkway. Find inspiration from the catwalks of famous houses of fashion, search videos on YouTube, and also notes the most original solutions, some designers have set the fashion shows in galleries asking models to pose as statues.

Prepare the invitations and distribute them. Establish a date. Rely on a Photoshop expert or a professional graphic designer for the realization of the calls, or one of your friends who is interested in design! Once you have them prepared, make a list of people who would like to invite the parade. If you are a stylist emery it need to capture the attention of the press, sends invitations to newspapers, specialized in fashion and new talent, to bloggers, photographers, models, etc.

If you are short of funds looking for the lenders. Some companies may offer gadgets for distribution, you may search online public relations agencies. Send emails to potential lenders. Select models through a casting. It ‘a fun task and can be done in several ways. You may post listings and decide a place and time for the interview. If you choose this solution do so to be available for the time fixed, there is nothing more unpleasant than showing up to a casting and not find the organizers. If you want to hire professional models prepared to pay a daily fee, if you want instead of aspiring models or new faces, you may find the ads in websites specializing in ads of this kind. Prepare for each of the candidates a card in which the measures are included, their personal information , contacts, the number of shoes and a photo that you can take on the day of the interview.