No need to spend too much money on expensive creams and treatments, since nature can take care of moisturizing the skin.

The skin is the largest organ of the body and one that helps define the aesthetics of a person. A noticeable skin moist with just observe it, so it is necessary to take care of your skin and not exposed to agents that may abuse her. No need to buy so many creams that promise to rejuvenate, moisturize or do any other effects in the body, because you can use natural and homemade products for application. The advantage of this is that it is much more economical to moisturizers with what you have at home, to spend sums of money on products that often do not work.

Coconut oil

This oil is used to help moisturize the skin in a few applications. You only need to apply some of that oil on the skin and massage until it is completely absorbed. This oil is ideal for awkward areas such as knees and elbows, which tend to dry out faster and take an unpleasant texture and coloration.


The aloe vera is excellent for skin treatment. It should remove the crystals of aloe, majordomos and passing said mass on the skin. You need to wait until it has dried to rinse with water temperature. Also excellent for treating dry elbows and knees.



Sounds a bit rude to think you can use milk to moisturize the skin, but the milk has amazing properties, which can leave skin young and beautiful. Fill the tub of milk represent an expense too cumbersome, but the main idea is to economize. This requires the bathtub filled with water and place about two liters of milk in it. Soaking for half an hour or more and then rinsed again with water only.


Vitamin E helps cucumber regeneration of the skin cells. This requires passing cucumber pulp through the body, wait half an hour and then rinse. If this procedure is done daily, you will get very fast results.

Goat Milk

Perhaps it is uncommon to hear mention about goat milk, more for the fact that the sale is not exactly known, however goat milk has excellent properties for skin care in general, whether face or body. To use the goat milk powder must get because you need to prepare a dough with a cup of warm water. Once the paste is prepared, it should fill the tub and place the dough in it. As with ordinary milk, the person should be immersed in this mixture for half an hour and then toweling.