Who has the nature of curly hair often complain without realizing that the locks have a unique charm and inimitable. The famous proverb “any hedgehog on a whim” has the true even for curly hair are not very easy to manage. For someone like me who has curly hair is sure how important it is to keep them well cared for avoid creating the annoying knots. This guide will give you advice when you wash your hair that will allow you to have the hair always perfect.

First of all, the first important thing which you must do is to get one shampoo for curly hair. In the market there are many brands valid, you advice to purchase a product not too aggressive for the skin. After doing this you will need to thoroughly wet all your hair.


Then take a little shampoo (I suggest you dilute it with water, 6 ml of shampoo to 1 liter of water) and begins to make a gentle massage to the scalp in order to stimulate the circulation. After massaging your hair well you will need to rinse them thoroughly with plenty of water lukewarm.

Then you will need to repeat the operation. Do you have some advice for healthy, shiny hair, to make the last rinse with a jet of cold water. After you have done this you will need to apply on the hair conditioner that you will need to leave for about 15 minutes. After this time, rinse the hair thoroughly with water and blot hair with a towel but made ​​no rub too.

If you have long hair I recommend you apply a concentrate on tips for split ends. However, it is advisable to check them slightly about every 3 months to remove the spikes wasted. Finally the last step and the most important for a perfect result is drying. Deployed two nuts foam (for waves and curls) and then dry the hair upside down and use the speaker holding the hair dryer at a rate high on average.