The hair is a fundamental part of our person and, because of this, many require attention and care. Many are also the methods that we have to take care of so delicate a part of ourselves. For example, we can wash your hair with shampoo or conditioners, we can comb it carefully, or we can cut or shave it. In this guide we will see how to shave your head.

how to shave your head

First, if we shave our hair alone we will have to practice a lot before, maybe we can practice cutting the hair of some cheap wigs, such as those that are generally used for practice by many school students for hairdressers. In this way, not only will learn to shave the hair, but also learn to comb and cut them with scissors. Let’s start with the head wash thoroughly under lukewarm water using a good shampoo gentle and natural. If we like it, we can also use a conditioner to make hair softer and more delicate. Now, we wash the head for good and then tampon hair with a small towel, leaving them slightly moist.

We mount our razor hair the plastic blade thickness desired by us and after we tied a small towel around the neck, begin to shave our hair. It is important to use the greatest care with the razor, being careful not to scale, not to raise sharply the razor and especially not to tear your hair. We can help with a small mirror Rasia when the hair on the side back of the neck, in this way we will make a very nice cut and accurate in every detail. If we want the hair on the sides a little shorter than those on the top of the head, can be used to cut hair such a plastic blade smaller.

If, during the steps of cutting the hair tend to dry on the hair can spray a little water perhaps using a small spray in plastic. You can also use the scissors very sharp to get a hair cut much more accurate. In the case of the hair on the neck remained very stubborn, we can use to remove a small razor plastic uses disposable, like the one that usually is used to shave. Once finished shaving the hair, we wash the hair with warm water and with a little shampoo, so any remnants of hair cut will not end up in the clothes.