During the winter season the skin is more sensitive and requires a more intense treatment to maintain hydration and elasticity. Let’s see what natural methods we can use and what precautions to follow to cure skin in the cold months.

The skin is the main barrier of our body it is essential to keep it healthy and treat it, especially in the coldest period of the year when it is more fragile and vulnerable. Let the nutrients needed by our body first with food, eating fresh seasonal foods and drinking at least two liters of water a day. In this way we can compensate for the loss of fluids due to sweating and remaining in dry and excessively heated. Drink juices and herbal teas is very important to hire the right daily dose of vitamins and minerals. Citrus fruits, in particular, are a source of vitamin C and antioxidants, and are valuable for the body and for the nourishment of the skin.


The cleaning of the skin is essential, even during the winter, we can use natural ingredients such as milk, which cleanse your face gently. A soothing easy to try is chamomile to be applied as a poultice, also useful to lighten the stains as well as emollient. To heal redness and cracking is the excellent ‘ aloe vera : cut a leaf from the plant and squeeze the juice directly on the area to be treated, after a few days we will see already the first effects. To prevent chapped apply moisturizers on the skin of the face and hands, in order to protect them from the cold and keep them constantly fed. The oils are very effective on dry skin: we spread a few drops of sweet almond oil or plain olive oil on the face and hands, especially on the most sensitive as lips and nose and knuckles. Another effective natural product is Shea butter, to be used pure or with other moisturizing ingredients.

To prevent redness and skin damage must protect avoiding excessive temperature changes. Wear scarves, hats and gloves to prevent direct contact with the cold air and when we are indoors we use humidifiers to maintain an ideal environment for hydration. If you spend long hours outdoors apply light of sunscreens to prevent UV damage. Let us leave the skin to the light of the sun a few minutes every day to help cellular processes and to strengthen it.