The cravings are some skin problems that affect certain areas of the skin (face, arms, legs, cleavage). Appear as spots of various sizes, from different color than the complexion. The causes are various, such as the lack of melanin or Virgilio, and take on different colors depending on the problem, which can vary from green to purple to brown. However, they, especially if very visible and exposed, are a cause for distress, embarrassment or discomfort for many women, especially those who see undermined its natural beauty. So far, to eliminate the problem, have been proposed drastic remedies, the level surgical or pharmaceutical. In this regard, without having to resort to painful laser sessions, it is possible to hide these defects through the make up, following some tricks.


Before using the specific product, it is basic that you analyze the color of the stain. To neutralize, in fact, the cravings reddish, you must use tone green, for those brown and brown, purple or pink, to purple spots, yellow, whereas for the white ones, caused by lack of melanin and Virgilio, will be used a shade of beige. The concealer, preferably liquid, staked and will spread over the entire surface using the brush, going to cover the entire area.

If you are not equipped, at the time, the spell for you, you can easily make it at home, mixing the liquid foundation, all eye shadow the desired color. You can create a small amount for immediate use, or store it in special containers for a few days. Equalize all with the foundation of daily use, provided it is shiny effect. -Apply a reasonable amount on the will and spread with a brush adequate (roughly, for a small stain, you need just a bit of product).

In order to optimize and maximize run times, applied and finally a veil of powder compact and opaque strictly time using of special sponge. In this way, in a short time, and without any pain, you will be able to hide the imperfections. The last recommendation, but certainly not unimportant, is to always use quality products, in order to avoid any possible problems or poor results.