Choose whether or not to wear heels depends on many factors, the chief among them may depend on what the outdoor season, by the occasion and of course on the type of clothing that we are going to choose. Wear such high heels, also depends on our security, or if we are able to wear a type of shoe challenging for several hours in a row. Let us see some tips on how to choose the right heel.

The shoe should be considered as one of the most important accessories, which are able to give that element or not, a touch of elegance to our person. There are many women who love to wear shoes with very high heels, while others could choose them arteriosclerosis a priori, but there are certain occasions in life in which the shoes with high heels are really necessary. Wear shoes with high heels certainly entails some privileges such as the height increases, the leg becomes more streamlined and our whole aesthetic is of course completely changed for the better, and it must not be forgotten factor that wearing high heels in conjunction with a clothing right even our sex appeal increases considerably.


High heels go wonderfully well with all types of clothing, starting from regular jeans to finish the dress for elegant excellence, but unlike the low-heeled shoes that need to force things a type of clothing precise. Choose these elements, in terms of aesthetics, so it is hardly wrong. Unfortunately, in contrast, wear heels height exaggerated, it can also cause some problems the first of these concerns certainly our posture and at certain times of the year also our security. The choice of the height of a heel must also be determined taking into account the weather, in the winter definitely shoes with low heels or low are the most suitable.

If you have never worn high heels, but we want to give it a try, the first thing to do is to bring us in a shoe factory, choose the shoe that we would love to buy as relying on first purchase of a heel that does not exceed 7 cm in height. Although it might seem at first sight, but also a measure as “contained” could lead to significant disruption in be wedged. to get used to this height should wear the new shoes for at least a couple of hours per day in order to accustom the foot in a graduated. We carry with us these shoes and make the change at work, perhaps in a moment of relative calm, or if we are home, wear shoes during the little housework, of course, always very low for extended periods. At the first hint of discomfort remove and replace the shoes with a more comfortable .