Summer is still in full swing, but after several hours of summer, salt water baths or swimming pool Visit our hair is often overused. Who wants to walk from head to toe trendy in the next season, which should not forget his hair. Especially in the summer months it is important to devote sufficient attention to the hair with special moisture and sun protection products. Anyone who regularly uses a deep conditioner and hair exposed to the sun without protection, can still have fun in the fall at a summer course lightened hair without having to fret about safe dry and brittle tips.

The fall and winter is dominated by casual hairstyles. Who wants to wear his hair down, should allow them to dry in the air and create a natural out-of-bed look with salt water sprays. With oils and light hair wax textures can be “stringy” fudge looks, reminiscent of middle and extreme side peaks or large ponies to the natural look of the Bohemians. The most important rule when styling is to refrain from consuming too Font procedures and shimmering toiletries. Even on special events can be combined chic and mysterious Undone the uncomplicated look with an impressive outfit.


Even the ponytail is back in fashion. In the coming season you wear the hairstyles classic styled either in a strictly wet look (with lots of shine spray and gel), or again in the very Undone natural look. During the severe ponytail is relatively far tied up at the back of the head, the hair should only be collected by the casual styling soft falling on the neck. Moreover, an almost forgotten hairstyle celebrates their revival in the fall: The combination of open and hair updo or loose knots. Only the top section of hair is elegant or loosely grouped, while the lower head of hair falling in soft waves over the shoulders.

As for the shades of autumn-/Winter-hair, several trends can be identified. Blonde women can get their hair through various shades of blond to shine. It is important that the approach is bleached in a comparatively darker shade, so that the hair naturally and not look like brushed. As before, the rule is that fair-skinned and eyed types are more likely to do well with a cool almost livid “Sweden Blonde,” whereas goldsmiths nuances best women stand with dark eyes. too, the shadow trend is modern – light brown hair with gold blonde tips spray in the cold season, the feeling of warm late summer days. red hair worn in the next season with orange hues, while black hair completely disappear from the modern scene and will be replaced by a warmer dark brown.