Having a beautiful skin, without acne treatment is everyone’s dream and are a nightmare for many boys and girls in adolescence. It is not a completely unattainable goal, you can just have some little tricks and a lot of care towards you. Following the simple recommendations will be possible, not only to eliminate all those annoying and unsightly blemishes on the skin but also prevent their appearance that could be linked, however, to hormonal problems or diseases epidermal. In this case it will be best to contact an expert.

The first step is to always wash your face three or four times a day with plenty of water and soap acne treatments , possibly mild and neutral, especially for those with oily skin. In fact the use of aggressive products may cause the increase of pimples. For women it is advisable to remove make-up well with appropriate detergents, and do the peeling, or at home alone or in a beauty salon at least once a week. Those who have these skin problems should prefer the specific products that are found in pharmacies and avoid make-up that does not leave the skin to breathe. But the number one rule to avoid filling up the face of pimples and not to crush them. In fact, doing so could remain scars, as well as to deteriorate the appearance and increase the risk of infections. Instead, you must disinfect the area with an ointment.


A possible cause of the appearance of acne is very often be linked to poor nutrition. Therefore prefer healthy foods that contain minerals and water and to reduce as much as possible those containing fats and chocolate. Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables that help to make the skin less oily and regulate sebum produced by the glands. Recent studies showed that coconut water can be used as a natural disinfectant as it regulates the body temperature. Always look for more fresh foods, such as a nice salad that could easily replace a hamburger. The development of these pimples can also be caused by psychological situations details, such as periods of high stress.

In addition to water coconut, there are other natural remedies to get a skin without pimples For example, you can rub garlic on the skin with effects already evident after seven days. For those who do not bear the ‘ smell may replace it with apricot juice, massaging the skin for at least 10 minutes a day Obviously these are small solutions related to everyday problems, if it were to be a situation more severe it is always recommended to consult a specialist immediately.