The dreaded “plus size” can become for women, above all, a real pain! You always think that a strong size should be matched by force to a body overweight, but it is not always the case. Especially in the field of fashion, we simply refer to those women who are over a size 42 or 44. This does not indicate the strength to be out of shape, but on the contrary, often with an abundance of curves men like. Many women, however, are still in an uncomfortable situation, and tend to buy shapeless dresses and large, even too much for their line. Sometimes you make a mistake thinking that the more you cover, the more you look lean, but it is not always the case. Let’s see below how to avoid mistakes in the choice of clothes, using a neat and fashionable, even with some form in most.


In general, there are some simple rules to follow. Regarding the hues fancy, they generally are less suitable, as they can go to create unpleasant effects. Much recommended, however, are the clothes with stripes, obviously vertical (horizontal and ever!), which streamline and elongate forms. If you are not very high opt for items: the pants should have a straight line; banned shorts, lowering, and even more hated cropped trousers that cut totally the figure. Important are the heels, which must be not too flashy, but a right fit. Very mentioned are the neckline, slimming legs, making walking more tapered. More generally it is best to avoid shoes that reach to the ankle, which may make you appear more slender and less stubby.

If you have a pear-shaped body, then with the hips and buttocks more pronounced than the rest of the body, opt for those dresses that shake in life. This will serve to highlight your strength and slim figure, and even better put on display, so absolutely not vulgar, your neckline. In this regard, the exaltation of the neckline should be enhanced by a round neckline (if you have a big enough breast) or V (if smaller), within the limits and this will ensure a see-through effect absolutely fascinating. If you have important arms, tank tops are preferred, which unlike the sleeveless.